Section: New Results

Software Composition

Participants : Diana Allam, Walid Benghabrit, Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau, Rémi Douence, Hervé Grall, Thomas Ledoux, Jean-Claude Royer, Mohamed Sellami, Mario Südholt.

Constructive Security

Nowadays we are witnessing the wide-spread use of cloud services. As a result, more and more end-users (individuals and businesses) are using these services for achieving their electronic transactions (shopping, administrative procedures, B2B transactions, etc.). In such scenarios, personal data is generally flowing between several entities and end-users need (i) to be aware of the management, processing, storage and retention of personal data, and (ii) to have necessary means to hold service providers accountable for the usage of their data. Usual preventive security mechanisms are not adequate in a world where personal data can be exchanged on-line between different parties and/or stored at multiple jurisdictions. Accountability becomes a necessary principle for the trustworthiness of open computer systems. It regards the responsibility and liability for the data handling performed by a computer system on behalf of an organization. In case of misconduct (e.g. security breaches, personal data leak, etc.), accountability should imply remediation and redress actions, as in the real life.

In 2014, we have developed two general approaches for the definition and enforcement of accountability properties.

Logic-based accountability properties

We have proposed a framework for the representation of cloud accountability policies [19] . Such policies offer end-users a clear view of the privacy and accountability obligations asserted by the entities they interact with, as well as means to represent their preferences. This framework comes with two novel accountability policy languages; an abstract one, which is devoted for the representation of preferences/obligations in an human readable fashion, a concrete one for the mapping to concrete enforceable policies. We motivate our solution with concrete use case scenarios.  [30] discusses issues related to data privacy and big data technologies and advocate the use of the framework to support accountability.

We have provided an abstract language for the representation of accountability obligations [20] . We define its semantics using first-order temporal logic and a specific modality for accountability is introduced. We analyze a healthcare use case to illustrate the efficiency of our approach in representing accountability obligations in realistic situations. The use of such services-based applications usually implies the flow of personal data on-line between several parties. In [21] , we consider this issue at the design-time of the software and we propose some foundations for an accountable software design. Accountability for a software is a property describing, among other aspects, its liability to end-users for the usage of the data it has been entrusted. We propose to enrich software's component design by accountability clauses using an abstract accountability language (introduced in [20] ). We also define conditions for the well-formedness of an accountable component design and show how they can be checked using the μ-CRL model-checker.

Defining and enforcing multi-level accountability properties

Many accountability policies require access to all levels of the software stack of service-based applications. Furthermore, they should include explicit means for the definition of cross-domain policies and provide constructive means for the implementation of a wide variety of of accountability properties. These features, in particular, multi-level support, are missing in existing approaches.

We have provided an approach that addresses these objectives explicitly through a language for the definition of expressive regular policies over accountability predicates applicable at all levels of the service stack [22] . Furthermore, we have presented hierarchies of constructive schemes for the implementation of policies for transparency and remediation properties that are implemented in terms of our accountability policy language. Finally, we have shown how to harness the accountability schemes to tackle real-world violations of accountability properties arising from security vulnerabilities of OAuth-based authorization and authentication protocols.

Aspect-Oriented Programming

We have produced in 2014 a range of results enabling reasoning over aspect languages and investigated the use of execution levels. These results are presented in the remainder of this section.

We have also applied ideas from aspect oriented programming in the context of distributed programming (aspectual session types [32] ), see Sec.  6.4 .

Reasoning about aspect interference using effective aspects

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) aims at enhancing modularity and reusability in software systems by offering an abstraction mechanism to deal with crosscutting concerns. But, in most general-purpose aspect languages aspects have almost unrestricted power, eventually conflicting with these goals. To tame aspects, we have proposed Effective Aspects: a novel approach to embed the pointcut/advice model of AOP in a statically-typed functional programming language like Haskell; along two main contributions. First, we have defined a monadic embedding of the full pointcut/advice model of AOP [16] .

Type soundness is guaranteed by exploiting the underlying type system, in particular phantom types and a new anti-unification type class. In this model aspects are first-class, can be deployed dynamically, and the pointcut language is extensible, therefore combining the flexibility of dynamically-typed aspect languages with the guarantees of a static type system. Monads (which allow the definition of sequences of computations in functional programs) enable us to directly reason about computational effects both in aspects and base programs using traditional monadic techniques. Using this we extend the notion of Open Modules with effects, and also with protected pointcut interfaces to external advising. These restrictions are enforced statically using the type system. Also, we adapt the techniques of EffectiveAdvice to reason about and enforce control flow properties as well as to control effect interference. We show that the parametricity-based approach to effect interference falls short in the presence of multiple aspects and propose a different approach using monad views, a novel technique for handling the monad stack, developed by Schrijvers and Oliveira. Then, we exploit the properties of our model to enable the modular construction of new semantics for aspect scoping and weaving. Our second contribution [24] builds upon a powerful model to reason about mixin-based composition of effectful components and their interference, based on equational reasoning, parametricity, and algebraic laws about monadic effects. Our contribution is to show how to reason about interference in the presence of unrestricted quantification through pointcuts. We show that global reasoning can be compositional, which is key for the scalability of the approach in the face of large and evolving systems. A comprehensive version of those two works appears in Ismael Figueroa PhD thesis [12] .

Execution Levels for AOP: from program design to applications

In AOP languages, advice evaluation is usually considered as part of the base program evaluation. This is also the case for certain pointcuts, such as if pointcuts in AspectJ, or simply all pointcuts in higher-order aspect languages like AspectScheme. While viewing aspects as part of base level computation clearly distinguishes AOP from reflection, it also comes at a price: because aspects observe base level computation, evaluating pointcuts and advice at the base level can trigger infinite regression. To avoid these pitfalls, aspect languages propose ad hoc mechanisms, which increase the complexity for programmers while being insufficient in many cases. We have proposed to clarify the situation by introducing levels of execution in the programming language [18] , thereby allowing aspects to observe and run at specific, possibly different, levels. We have adopted a defensive default that avoids infinite regression, and gives advanced programmers the means to override this default using level-shifting operators.

Service provisioning

This year, we have provided results on two fundamental problems of service-oriented architectures: service interoperability and service mediation.

Service interoperability

Web service support a document-oriented style for clients to interact with a server and promote an environment for systems that is loosely coupled and interoperable. Two models exist for implementing Web services: A process-oriented Web services model, SOAP, and a resource-oriented Web services model, RESTful. Service components are mainly based on description interfaces. These interfaces are often known as structural standardized interfaces like WSDL for SOAP and WADL for RESTful. The implementation of Web services is increasingly based on object-oriented (OO) frameworks, at the client and the server sides. Using these frameworks, developers can transform an object code into a Web service, or access a remote Web service, at the touch of a button. In this context, two levels are present: an object level built over a service level.

Diana Allam's PhD thesis [11] has focused on two properties of these frameworks:

  • The loose coupling between the two levels, which allows the complex technical details of the service level to be hidden at the object level and the service level to be evolved with a minimal impact on the object level.

  • The interoperability induced by the substitution principle associated to subtyping in the object level, which allows to freely convert a value of a subtype into a value of a supertype.

The thesis provides three contributions in this context. We propose a unified formal model for web services based on message passing and enabling first class channels. It is equipped with a powerful type-checking allowing union, intersection and negation operations as well as subtyping. The type checking algorithm relies on the semantic approach defined by G. Castagna. This type system is also protected against attackers. The second contribution is a concrete refinement of the model into RESTful and SOAP frameworks as well as a unified API for service discovery. To define such an API, we have first shown how the details of the standard interfaces (WSDL and WADL) could be simplified and abstracted and then we rely on subtyping in the discovery mechanism. Finally, to solve some of the interoperability issues between the OO level and the service level a formalization of the binding using categorical concepts (commutative diagrams) is proposed. Based on this an analysis of the mismatch problems has been done and a new specification of the data binding has been formalized. The document then discusses some variations in the implementation of the data binding solution and a prototype for the Apache CXF framework.

Mayleen Lacouture's PhD thesis “A Chemical Programming Language for Orchestrating Services - Application to Interoperability Problems” [M. Lacouture, MN/U. Nantes, Oct. 14] proposes a framework easing interoperability in the form of an architecture that integrates different orchestration languages with heterogeneous service providers around a pivot language. The pivot language is implemented as a new orchestration language based on the chemical programming paradigm. Concretely, the dissertation presents a language called Criojo that implements and extends the Heta-calculus, an original calculus associated to a chemical abstract machine dedicated to service-oriented computing. The consequence of adopting this approach would be an improvement in the interoperability of services and orchestration languages, thus easing the development of composite services. The high level of abstraction of Criojo could allow developers to write very concise orchestrations since message exchanges are represented in a natural and intuitive way.

Service mediation

Service composition is a major advance service-oriented computing brings to enable the development of distributed applications. However, the distributed nature of services hampers their composition with data heterogeneity problems. We address these problems with a decentralized Mediation-as-a-Service architecture that solves data inconsistencies occurring during the composition of business services [17] . As an extension to our previous work that focused on data interpretation problems, we present in this paper a solution to solve data inconsistencies at the syntactic, structural and semantic levels. We show how syntactic, structural and semantic mediation techniques can be combined, and how semantic mediation provides useful information that helps structural and syntactic mediation. We demonstrate how our architecture enables decentralized publication and discovery of mediation services. We motivate our work with a concrete scenario and validate our proposal with experiments.

Software product line architectures

Software product lines were designed from the product line tested out by H. Ford at the beginning of the 20th century, which led to the success of his automotive production. For 15 years, these methods have been visible in several software application fields: telephony at Nokia, televisions at Philips, print software at HP and flight applications at Boeing, among others. The concept of architecture is crucial for classic software applications, and this concept is even more important at the level of domain engineering in product lines. In a product line, the so-called reference architecture generically describes the architectures of all the products in the family. The chapter [34] describes the technical means and methods for defining a reference architecture for a software product line. It also presents the methods for operating this architecture through, for example, techniques emerging from model and software component engineering, or aspect-oriented programming. These concepts and techniques are illustrated using a case study.